Lauren Hamel
Lauren Hamel
Position Title
Associate Professor
Population Science
Office Location
Mid-Med Lofts
87 E. Canfield Rd
Detroit, MI 48201
Mailing Address
Office Phone
313-576-9672Office Fax
313-576-8270Education Training
(2005-2009) Ph.D. Communication, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI
(2005-2007) M.A. Communication, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI
(2001-2005) B.A. Communication, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI
Postgraduate Training
(2013-2015) Postdoctoral Research Fellowship in Communication and Behavioral Oncology, Wayne State University School of Medicine, Karmanos Cancer Institute, Detroit, MI
(2011-2013) Postdoctoral Research Fellowship in Organizational Behavior, Dublin City University Business School. Dublin, Ireland
(2009-2011) Postdoctoral Teaching Assistant, University of Limerick, Department of Psychology, Castletroy, Ireland
Professional Experience
Faculty Appointments
(2021-Present) Associate Professor, Communication and Behavioral Oncology, Wayne State University School of Medicine, Karmanos Cancer Institute, Detroit, MI
(2015-2021) Assistant Professor, Communication and Behavioral Oncology, Wayne State University School of Medicine, Karmanos Cancer Institute, Detroit, MI
Hospital or Other Professional Appointments
(2022-Present) Vice Chair of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, Wayne State University School of Medicine, Department of Oncology
(2021-Present) Co-Program Leader, Karmanos Cancer Institute, Population Studies and Disparities Research Program
(2014-Present) Scientific Member, Population Studies and Disparities Research Program and Department of Oncology, Wayne State University School of Medicine, Karmanos Cancer Institute, Detroit, MI
(2011-2021) Member, Learning, Innovation and Knowledge Research Centre (LInK), Deublin City University, Dublin, Ireland
(2005-2009) Graduate Research Assistant/Graduate Teaching Assistant, Department of Communication, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI
(2007) Graduate Research Assistant, School of Nursing, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI
Major Professional Societies
(2015-Present) American Society of Clinical Oncology
(2015-2018) Academy of Management
(2014-Present) Michigan Cancer Consortium
(2013-Present) Society of Behavioral Medicine
(2012-Present) European Association for Communication in Healthcare
(2008-2015) International Communication Association
(2012-2014) Society for Studies in Organizing Healthcare
(2006-2013) National Communication Association
Honors and Awards
(2023) College Teaching Award, Wayne State University School of Medicine
(2022) Association of American Cancer Institutes’ Leadership Diversity and Development Initiative,
(2022) Wayne State University School of Medicine’s Outstanding Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Faculty Scholar,
(2022) Michigan Cancer Healthlink Faculty Award, Karmanos Cancer Institute Office of Cancer Health Equity and Community Engagement
(2021) Wayne State University School of Medicine’s Research Excellence Award, Clinical Researcher,
(2021) Association for Community Cancer Centers (ACCC) Innovator Award, Association for Community Cancer Centers (ACCC)
(2021) Crain’s Detroit Business Notable Rising Star in Health Care Leadership, Crain’s Detroit Business
(2020) 40 Under 40 in Cancer Award, Lynx Group,
(2020) Top Paper Award, International Conference on Communication in Healthcare Annual Research Conference, Virtual Meeting, American Association on Communication in Healthcare (AACH)/European Association for Communication in Healthcare (EACH)
(2020-2021) Fellow, Academic Leadership Academy, Wayne State University, Office of the Provost
(2020) Wayne State University, Wayne Women Lead’s Next Level Career Conversations, Wayne State University, Wayne Women Lead
(2020) Telly Award Gold and Silver Winner for the NCI-funded R01 PACCT: Partnering Around Cancer Clinical Trials, on which I am a Co-Investigator, The Telly Awards
(2020-2021) Society of Behavioral Medicine’s Diversity Institute for Emerging Leaders, Society of Behavioral Medicine
(2019) Top Paper Award, American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) Quality Care Symposium, American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO)
(2019) Top Paper Award, International Conference on Communication in Healthcare, American Association on Communication in Healthcare (AACH)/European Association for Communication in Healthcare (EACH)
(2018) College Teaching Award, Wayne State University School of Medicine
(2017) Featured Speaker for an Innovation, Disruption, Opportunity Talk for Wayne State University's Innovation Hub Launch, Wayne State University, Detroit, MI
(2017) Top Paper Award, International Conference on Healthcare and Health Literacy Annual Research Conference, American Association on Communication in Healthcare (AACH)/European Association for Communication in Healthcare (EACH)
(2017) Most Customer Discovery Interviews Completed, Fast Forward Medical Innovation, fast PACE Technology Commercialization, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI
(2017) Top Project in Health IT Track, Fast Forward Medical Innovation, fast PACE Technology Commercialization, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI
(2017) Citation Abstract/Excellent Submission, Society of Behavioral Medicine
(2016) American Society of Clinical Oncology/National Cancer Institute Teams in Cancer Care Workgroup, American Society of Clinical Oncology/National Cancer Institute.
(2015) School of Medicine College Teaching Award, Department of Oncology, Wayne State University, Detroit, MI
(2015) Top Paper Award, American Association on Communication in Healthcare (AACH)/European Association for Communication in Healthcare (EACH), International Conference on Communication in Healthcare, New Orleans, LA
(2012) Shortlisted for the Teaching Excellence Award, University of Limerick
(2010) Nominee for Dissertation of the Year in Health Communication, International Communication Association and National Communication Association
(2008) Excellence in Teaching Award, Internation Communication Association
(2008) Nominee for the Excellence in Teaching Citation, Michigan State University
(2006) Top Paper Award, International Communication Association (ICA), Interpersonal Division, Dresden, Germany
(2005) Rasmussen, Fellowship Award, Michigan State University
(2002) Nominee for Student Athlete of the Year, Women's Crew, Michigan State University
Research Interests
I am a communication and organizational behavior scholar conducting research in healthcare organizations generally and the oncology setting specifically. I study healthcare organizations from two levels –- the interpersonal level and the system level. My interpersonal research is focused on improving clinical communication between patients and providers and my systems research is focused on enhancing the effectiveness and efficiency of hospitals, oncology clinics, and other clinical settings. My overarching research goal is to better understand and enhance individual and organizational outcomes in healthcare through improved communication and systems.
My specific research projects include investigations of:
- The manifestation of racial attitudes in nonverbal behavior and nonverbal synchrony of patients and physicians during oncology interactions and how those behaviors influence treatment decisions and other outcomes
- How patients and physicians discuss direct and indirect patient costs of cancer treatment, and how those discussions are related to patients' experience of financial toxicity.
- How various aspects of team-based care impact cancer care delivery.
- Clinic and hospital-level efficiency including patient wait time and clinic flow, and employee perceptions of hospital climate and the impact on staff patient safety and quality care behaviors.
- Barriers to enrollment into cancer clinical trials.
- Manning M, Wojda M, Hamel LM, Salkowski A, Schwartz AG, & Harper FW. Understanding the role of family dynamics, perceived norms and lung cancer worry in predicting second-hand smoke avoidance among high-risk lung cancer families. J Health Psychol 2016; Epub ahead of print. PMID: 26956703
- Hamel LM, Chapman R, Malloy M, Eggly S, Penner LA, Shields A, Simon M, Klamerus J, & Albrecht TL. The critical shortage of African American medical oncologists in the United States. J Clin Oncol 2015;33:3697-3700. PMID:26392105
- McDermott AM, Hamel LM, Steel D, Flood PC, & McKee L. Hybrid healthcare governance for improvement? Combining top-down and bottom-up approaches to public sector regulation. Public Admin 2015, 93:324-344. DOI: 10.1111/padm.12118
- Hamel LM. Determining the action tendency emotions associated with mothers’ intentions to encourage their preadolescent daughters to eat healthfully: A mixed methods study. Western J Comm 2015, 79:239-256. DOI: 10.1080/10570314.2014.943424
- Hamel LM, Chapman R, Eggly S, Penner LA, Tkatch R, Vichich J, & Albrecht T. Measuring the use of examination room time in oncology clinics: A novel approach to assessing clinic efficiency and patient flow. J Oncol Pract 2014; 10:e385-e389. PMID:25248723
- Hamel LM. Source elicitation of action tendency emotions in a health communication context. Northwest J Comm 2014;42:167-191.
- Hamel LM, & Robbins LB. Computer- and web-based interventions to promote healthy eating among preadolescents and adolescents: A systematic review. J Adv Nurs 2013;69:16-30. PMID: 22757605
- Hamel LM, & Smith SW. An investigation of the factors that influence maternal encouragement of healthy diets for their preadolescent daughters. Global J Med Res 2013;13:24-33.
- Hamel LM, Robbins LB, & Wilbur J. Computer- and web-based interventions to increase preadolescent and adolescent physical activity: A systematic review. J Adv Nurs 2011;67:251-268. PMID: 21198800
- Smith SW, Hamel LM, Kotowski MR, Munday S, LaPlante C, Atkin CK, et al. Action tendency emotions evoked by memorable breast cancer messages and their association with prevention and detection behaviors. Health Commun 2010;25:737-746. PMID:21153990