Jeffrey Zonder

Jeffrey Zonder

Jeffrey Zonder

Position Title

Professor - Clinical

Office Location

Karmanos Cancer Institute
4100 John R.
Hudson-Webber Cancer Research Center
Mail Code: HW04HO
Detroit, MI 48201

Office Phone


Office Fax

313-576-8767 or 313-576-8766

Education Training

(1995)  M.D., Wayne State University School of Medicine, Detroit, Michigan
(1991)  A.B. in Art Design and Biological Anthropology, Duke University, Durham, North Carolina, Graduated cum laude

Postgraduate Training
(2000-2001)  Hematology/Oncology Chief Fellow, Wayne State University, Detroit Medical Center
(1998-2001)  Hematology/Oncology Fellow, Wayne State University, Detroit Medical Center
(1995-1998)  Primary Care Internal Medicine Residency Program, University of Rochester, Rochester, NY

Professional Experience

Faculty Appointments
(2015-Present) Professor - Clinical, Department of Oncology, Wayne State University School of Medicine, Detroit, MI
(2010-2015) Associate Professor, Department of Oncology, Wayne State University School of Medicine, Division of Hematology/Oncology. Barbara Ann Karmanos Cancer Institute. Leader, Karmanos Cancer Institute Multiple Myeloma Multidisciplinary Sub-committee
(2009-Present) Associate Professor of Medicine, Wayne State University School of Medicine, Department of Medicine, Division of Hematology/Oncology, Barbara Ann Karmanos Cancer Institute. Leader, Karmanos Cancer Institute Multiple Myeloma Multidisciplinary Sub-committee
(2001-2009) Assistant Professor of Medicine, Wayne State University School of Medicine, Department of Internal Medicine, Division of Hematology/Oncology. Barbara Ann Karmanos Cancer Institute. Leader, Karmanos Cancer Institute Multiple Myeloma Multidisciplinary Sub-committee

Hospital and Other Professional Appointments
(2013-Present) Medical Director, Apheresis Unit, Karmanos Cancer Hospital
(2013-Present) Vice Chair, M1 IRB Committee, Wayne State University

Major Professional Societies

Member, American Society of Hematology (ASH)
Member, American Society of Clinical Oncologists (ASCO)
Member, American Medical Association
Member, Southwest Oncology Group (SWOG)
Member, International Society of Amyloidosis (ISA)
Member, International Myeloma Society (IMS)

Board Certification

American Board of Internal Medicine, Hematology

Honors and Awards

(2007, 2012)  Wayne State University Division of Hematology-Oncology, Hematology Teaching Attending of the Year
(2005, 2012)  Wayne State University School of Medicine Teaching Award
(2000, 2001)  Merit Scholarship, ASCO Travel Award
(1998)  Lawrence E. Young Book Award  Outstanding Senior Resident, University of Rochester Primary Care Internal Medicine Program
(1996)  Certificate of Recognition for Contributions to the Residency Program, University of Rochester, Primary Care Internal Medicine Program
(1995)  Outstanding Senior Student, Dept. of Psychiatry, Wayne State University School of Medicine
(1995)  Alpha Omega Alpha Honor Society, Wayne State University School of Medicine

Courses taught

6400 Pathophysiology – Hematology Section
Medical Resident Instruction

Research Interests

My interest in multiple myeloma and plasma cell dyscrasias dates back to medical school, and remains the focus of my clinical practice and research presently. I have developed and led clinical trials investigating new therapies and novel combinations of medications for patients with all stages of myeloma, as well as for patients with primary systemic amyloidosis. KCI currently has one of the largest myeloma and amyloidosis research programs in the Midwest, with several hundred patients seen annually, including over a hundred undergoing autologous stem cell transplant. I also collaborate with basic science researchers here at Karmanos who conduct studies exploring the biology of these diseases. 


PubMed Database Link:

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